Methods for Translating/Adapting Interventions for Diverse Populations: Transcreation

“Transcreation” refers to the process of planning and delivering interventions so that they resonate with the targeted health disparity community, while achieving intended health outcomes. We have developed and refined guidelines for this process based on our own research and on published models of translating evidence-based interventions for diverse populations. The Transcreation Framework for Community-engaged Behavioral Interventions to Reduce Health Disparities consists of seven steps

  1. Identifying community partners
  2. Specifying theory
  3. Identifying inputs (scientific evidence and community context)
  4. Designing the intervention
  5. Designing the study
  6. Building community capacity
  7. Delivering the program while evaluating implementation processes.

Our guidelines engage communities throughout the process, expand the type of evidence used as input beyond a single evidence-based intervention, utilize community resources and assets, and apply rigorous scientific methods to evaluate program effectiveness and implementation processes. The framework incorporates training and ongoing technical assistance for community practitioners to assure treatment fidelity and build community capacity. The model balances fidelity to evidence and fit to the community.

  • Nápoles AM and Stewart AL. Transcreation: an implementation science framework for community-engaged behavioral interventions to reduce health disparities. BMC Health Services Research. 2018. PMCID: PMC6134771

An earlier version of the model includes examples of each translation step in diverse populations.

  • Nápoles AM, Santoyo-Olsson J, and Stewart AL. Methods for translating evidence-based behavioral interventions for health disparity communities. Preventing Chronic Disease, 2013 Nov 21;10:E193. PMCID: PMC3839588

We provide an annotated bibliography summarizing key publications on methods for translating evidence-based interventions (EBIs) for diverse populations.  The bibliography focuses on outstanding examples of the processes of translating and adapting EBIs for disparities populations.  It also summarizes publications of conceptual frameworks of methods of translation/adaptation, including the two by our team noted above.

Download annotated bibliography for Translating Interventions